Schedule a Post by Date Field (for Multiple Forms)

Schedule your Gravity Form generated posts to be published at a future date, specified by the user via GF Date and Time fields.


Filename: gw-schedule-post-by-date-field-multi-form.php

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Schedule a Post by Date Field (for Multiple Forms)
 * Schedule your Gravity Form generated posts to be published at a future date, specified by the user via GF Date and Time fields.
 * Plugin Name:  Gravity Forms — Schedule a Post by Date Field (for Multiple Forms)
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description:  Schedule your Gravity Form generated posts to be published at a future date, specified by the user via GF Date and Time fields.
 * Author:       Gravity Wiz
 * Version:      1.1
 * Author URI:
add_filter( 'gform_post_data', 'gw_schedule_post_by_date_field_multi_form', 10, 3 );
function gw_schedule_post_by_date_field_multi_form( $post_data, $form, $entry ) {

	$config = array();

	// Change '123' to your form ID; change '7' to your Date field ID; change '8' to your Time field ID.
	$config['123'] = array(
		'date' => 7,
		'time' => 8,

	// You can add as many forms as you want...
	$config['433'] = array(
		'date' => 7,
		'time' => 8,

	### don't touch the magic below this line ###

	if ( in_array( $form['id'], array_keys( $config ) ) ) {
		$date = $config[ $form['id'] ]['date'];
		$time = $config[ $form['id'] ]['time'];

	$date = rgar( $entry, $date );
	$time = rgar( $entry, $time );

	if ( empty( $date ) ) {
		return $post_data;

	if ( $time ) {
		list( $hour, $min, $am_pm ) = array_pad( preg_split( '/[: ]/', $time ), 3, false );
		if ( strtolower( $am_pm ) == 'pm' ) {
			$hour += 12;
	} else {
		$hour = '00';
		$min  = '00';

	// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DateTime.RestrictedFunctions.date_date
	$schedule_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( sprintf( '%s %s:%s:00', $date, $hour, $min ) ) );

	$post_data['post_status']   = 'future';
	$post_data['post_date']     = $schedule_date;
	$post_data['post_date_gmt'] = get_gmt_from_date( $schedule_date );
	$post_data['edit_date']     = true;

	return $post_data;

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