Sequence by Prefix
Create unique sequences based on the generated prefix. For example, if you have a Drop Down field where the user can select A, B, or C, and you set the prefix of your Unique ID field to the merge tag of this Drop Down field, this snippet will then treat each value as a unique sequence (e.g. A00001, A00002, B00001, A00003, B00002, etc).
Read the WalkthroughCode
Filename: gpuid-sequence-by-prefix.php
* Gravity Perks // Unique ID // Sequence by Prefix
* Create unique sequences based on the generated prefix. For example, if you have a Drop Down field where the user
* can select A, B, or C, and you set the prefix of your Unique ID field to the merge tag of this Drop Down field, this
* snippet will then treat each value as a unique sequence (e.g. A00001, A00002, B00001, A00003, B00002, etc).
// Update "123" to your form ID and "4" to your Unique ID field ID.
add_filter( 'gpui_unique_id_attributes_123_4', function ( $atts, $form_id, $field_id, $entry ) {
$prefix = GFCommon::replace_variables( $atts['prefix'], GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ), $entry, false, true, false, 'text' );
$atts['slug'] = "seq-by-prefix-{$prefix}";
return $atts;
}, 10, 4 );