Delete Entries Link

Create a link that will delete an entry when clicked.

Example of URL:

Example w/ Link: Delete Entry

IMPORTANT! For security, this will only work when passed the entry’s Pretty ID generated by GP Post Content Merge Tags and you must update the $allowed_form_ids variable below to enable this for each form from which you wish to delete entries.


Filename: gppcmt-delete-entry-link.php

 * Gravity Perks // Post Content Merge Tags // Delete Entries Link
 * Create a link that will delete an entry when clicked.
 * Video:
 * Example of URL:
 * https://local.local/?gppcmt-action=delete&eid={pretty_entry_id}
 * Example w/ Link:
 * <a href="https://local.local/?gppcmt-action=delete&eid={pretty_entry_id}">Delete Entry</a>
 * IMPORTANT! For security, this will only work when passed the entry's Pretty ID generated by GP Post Content Merge Tags
 * and you must update the $allowed_form_ids variable below to enable this for each form from which you wish to delete
 * entries.
add_action( 'init', function() {

	$allowed_form_ids = array( 123 );

	if ( ! isset( $_GET['gppcmt-action'] ) || $_GET['gppcmt-action'] !== 'delete' || ! isset( $_GET['eid'] ) || ! $_GET['eid'] ) {

	if ( ! is_callable( 'gp_post_content_merge_tags' ) ) {

	$result = false;
	$entry  = gp_post_content_merge_tags()->get_entry_by_pretty_id( $_GET['eid'] );

	if ( $entry && ! is_wp_error( $entry ) && in_array( $entry['form_id'], $allowed_form_ids ) ) {
		$result = GFAPI::delete_entry( $entry['id'] );

	if ( $result ) {
		echo 'Entry was deleted successfully.';
	} else {
		echo 'There was an error deleting this entry.';

} );

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