Use Choice Labels for Zapier
Use choice labels instead of choice values for data sent to Zapier when field’s choices are populated by Populate Anything.
Filename: gppa-zapier-use-choice-labels.php
* Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Use Choice Labels for Zapier
* Use choice labels instead of choice values for data sent to Zapier when field's choices are populated by Populate Anything.
add_filter( 'gform_zapier_field_value', function( $field_value, $form_id, $field_id, $entry ) {
$field = GFAPI::get_field( $form_id, $field_id );
if ( is_callable( 'gp_populate_anything' ) && $field->{'gppa-choices-enabled'} ) {
$field_value = gp_populate_anything()->get_submitted_choice_label( $field_value, $field, $entry['id'] );
return $field_value;
}, 10, 4 );