Nested Form Field Listener
Add a form field that will listen for changes in a Nested Form field and update to pull the value of a designated child form field.
Filename: gpnf-listener-field.php
* Gravity Perks // Nested Forms // Nested Form Field Listener
* Add a form field that will listen for changes in a Nested Form field and update to pull the value of a designated
* child form field.
* # Current Limitations
* 1. The value will only be retrieved from the last submitted child entry in the designed Nested Form field.
* 2. The Listener field's value will only update on the first submission.
* @version 0.1
* @author David Smith <>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* Plugin Name: GPNF Listener Field
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Add a form field that will listen for changes in a Nested Form field and update to pull the value of a designated child form field.
* Author: Gravity Wiz
* Version: 0.1
* Author URI:
class GPNF_Listener_Field {
private $_args = array();
public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
// set our default arguments, parse against the provided arguments, and store for use throughout the class
$this->_args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'form_id' => false,
'nested_form_field_id' => false,
'target_field_id' => false,
'source_field_id' => false,
) );
// do version check in the init to make sure if GF is going to be loaded, it is already loaded
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
public function init() {
// carry on
add_filter( "gform_save_field_value_{$this->_args['form_id']}_{$this->_args['nested_form_field_id']}", array( $this, 'refresh_value_on_save' ), 10, 5 );
public function refresh_value_on_save( $value, $entry, $field, $form, $input_id ) {
$child_entry_ids = explode( ',', $value );
if ( empty( $child_entry_ids ) ) {
return $value;
$target_child_entry = GFAPI::get_entry( array_pop( $child_entry_ids ) );
if ( is_wp_error( $target_child_entry ) ) {
return $value;
$target_value = rgar( $target_child_entry, $this->_args['source_field_id'] );
GFAPI::update_entry_field( $entry['id'], $this->_args['target_field_id'], $target_value );
return $value;
public function is_applicable_form( $form ) {
$form_id = isset( $form['id'] ) ? $form['id'] : $form;
return empty( $this->_args['form_id'] ) || $form_id == $this->_args['form_id'];