Redirect unauthenticated users to the login page.

By default, Live Preview will show a login form if a user is not logged in or does not have the permissions to preview a form.

In some situations, these pages can be indexed by search engines. To remedy this, this snippet redirects to wp-login.php instead of showing a login form.


  1. Install per


Filename: gplp-redirect-to-wp-login.php

 * Gravity Perks // GP Live Preview // Redirect unauthenticated users to the login page.
 * By default, Live Preview will show a login form if a user is not logged in or does
 * not have the permissions to preview a form.
 * In some situations, these pages can be indexed by search engines. To remedy this,
 * this snippet redirects to `wp-login.php` instead of showing a login form.
 * Installation:
 *  1. Install per
add_action( 'wp', function() {
	if ( ! function_exists( 'gp_live_preview' ) ) {

	if ( GFCommon::current_user_can_any( 'gravityforms_preview_forms' ) ) {

	if ( ! gp_live_preview()->is_live_preview() ) {

	$current_url = 'http' . ( is_ssl() ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

	wp_safe_redirect( wp_login_url( $current_url ) );

} );

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