Lock Child Entries by Date

Experimental Snippet 🧪

When editing a parent entry via Entry Blocks or GravityView, this snippet will allow you to prevent child entries from being edited (or deleted) after a given date.

This snippet leaves much to be desired in regards to UX as users will still be able to click on the “Edit” and “Delete” buttons. Clicking “Edit” will load the modal with a no access message. Clicking “Delete” will do nothing.


Filename: gpnf-lock-child-entries-by-date.php

 * Gravity Perks // Nested Forms // Lock Child Entries by Date
 * https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-nested-forms/
 * Experimental Snippet 🧪
 * When editing a parent entry via Entry Blocks or GravityView, this snippet will allow you
 * to prevent child entries from being edited (or deleted) after a given date.
 * This snippet leaves much to be desired in regards to UX as users will still be able to click
 * on the "Edit" and "Delete" buttons. Clicking "Edit" will load the modal with a no access message.
 * Clicking "Delete" will do nothing.
add_filter( 'gpnf_can_user_edit_entry', function( $can_user_edit_entry, $entry ) {

	// Update "2022-09-01" to your desired lockout date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
	$locked_date = new DateTime( '2022-09-01' );

	// Update "123" to the parent form ID for which child entries should be locked.
	$target_parent_form_id = 123;

	$action = rgpost( 'action' );
	switch ( $action ) {
		case 'gpnf_edit_entry':
			$parent_form_id = rgpost( 'gpnf_parent_form_id' );
		case 'gpnf_delete_entry':
			$parent_form_id = gform_get_meta( rgpost( 'gpnf_entry_id' ), GPNF_Entry::ENTRY_PARENT_FORM_KEY );

	if ( ! $parent_form_id || $parent_form_id != $target_parent_form_id ) {
		return $can_user_edit_entry;

	$date_created = new DateTime( $entry['date_created'] );
	if ( $date_created < $locked_date ) {
		$can_user_edit_entry = false;

	return $can_user_edit_entry;
}, 10, 2 );

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