Create Phone Number Relation
Experimental Snippet
This snippet demonstrates how to create a relation between two tables in Airtable when a GC Airtable feed is being processed. It uses an example assuming the following:
- There are a “People” table and “Phone Numbers” table in Airtable.
- The “Phone Numbers” table has, at minimum, a phone number field and a link field.
- There is a GCA feed that creates a record in the “People” table.
- The snippet adds a phone number to the “Phone Numbers” table and creates a relation between the newly created “People” record and the “Phone Numbers” record.
Filename: gca-create-relation.php
* Gravity Connect // Airtable // Create Phone Number Relation
* Experimental Snippet
* This snippet demonstrates how to create a relation between two tables in Airtable
* when a GC Airtable feed is being processed. It uses an example assuming the following:
* 1. There are a "People" table and "Phone Numbers" table in Airtable.
* 2. The "Phone Numbers" table has, at minimum, a phone number field and a link field.
* 3. There is a GCA feed that creates a record in the "People" table.
* 4. The snippet adds a phone number to the "Phone Numbers" table and creates a relation
* between the newly created "People" record and the "Phone Numbers" record.
* Installation:
* 1. Install per
* References:
* *
* *
* You can also apply this to individual forms for feeds for more granular control. For example:
* add_action( 'gca_entry_added_to_airtable_FORMID', function( $entry, $create_record_resp, $gca_connection_instance ) {} );
* add_action( 'gca_entry_added_to_airtable_FORMID_FEEDID', function( $entry, $create_record_resp, $gca_connection_instance ) {} );
add_action( 'gca_entry_added_to_airtable', function( $entry, $create_record_resp, $gca_connection_instance ) {
$gf_phone_number_field_id = '1'; // The ID of the form field which contains the value you want to use to create the relation.
$table_id = 'TODO'; // The ID of the Phone number
$base_id = $gca_connection_instance->get_base_id();
$phone_number = rgar( $entry, $gf_phone_number_field_id );
if ( empty( $phone_number ) ) {
* TIP: you can easily find the following by creating a new GC Airtable feed, connecting
* it to the "Phone Numbers" table and saving. If you open the developer console in your
* browser and refresh the page, a table of all the fields in the table will be logged.
$phone_field_id = 'TODO'; // The ID of the phone number field in the Phone Numbers table.
$link_field_id = 'TODO'; // The ID of the link field in the Phone Numbers table.
$records = array(
'fields' => array(
$phone_field_id => $phone_number,
$link_field_id => array( $create_record_resp['id'] ),
try {
$airtable_api = $gca_connection_instance->get_airtable_api();
$create_record_resp = $airtable_api->create_records( $base_id, $table_id, $records );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$msg = gca_get_exception_message( $e );
gc_airtable()->log_error( $msg );
}, 10, 3 );