Filter Progress Meter by Field Value & Date Range

Adds support to get the count of entries with a specific values within a specific date range.


  1. Install and activate the Progress Meter snippet.

  2. Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or wherever you include custom code.

  3. Follow the inline instructions in the snippet to configure for your form and fields.

  4. Update your progress meter shortcode to include a name attribute with the value “my_custom_filter” (or whatever name you’ve set in the snippet below).

    [gravityforms id=”123″ action=”meter” goal=”10″ name=”my_custom_filter”]

Read the Walkthrough


Filename: gfpm-filter-by-field-value-and-date-range.php

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Filter Progress Meter by Field Value & Date Range
 * Adds support to get the count of entries with a specific values within a specific date range.
 * Instructions
 * 1. Install and activate the Progress Meter snippet.
 * 2. Add the following code snippet to your theme's functions.php file or wherever you include custom code.
 * 3. Follow the inline instructions in the snippet to configure for your form and fields.
 * 4. Update your progress meter shortcode to include a name attribute with the value "my_custom_filter" (or whatever
 *    name you've set in the snippet below).
 *    [gravityforms id="123" action="meter" goal="10" name="my_custom_filter"]
add_filter( 'shortcode_atts_gf_progress_meter', function ( $atts ) {

	// Update "my_custom_filter" to your desired name to avoid conflicts with other progress meter shortcodes.
	if ( $atts['name'] === 'my_custom_filter' ) {

		$field_filters = array(
			// Update "all" to "any" if you would like to return results that match any filter. Leave as "all" to return
			// only return results that match all filters.
			'mode' => 'all',
				// Update "1" to the field ID in which you will search for the value.
				'key'   => '1',
				// Update "value a" to the value you want to search for.
				'value' => 'value a',
			// Add as many additional field filters as you need.
				'key'   => '2',
				'value' => 'value b',

		// Update "02/01/2023" to the start date and "02/15/2023" to the end date of your search range. Only entries that
		// were created within this date range will be returned.
		$date_range = array(
			'start_date' => '02/01/2023',
			'end_date'   => '02/15/2023',

		$search_criteria = array(
			'status' => 'active',

		if ( isset( $field_filters ) ) {
			$search_criteria['field_filters'] = $field_filters;

		if ( isset( $date_range ) ) {
			$search_criteria['start_date'] = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $date_range['start_date'] ) );
			$search_criteria['end_date']   = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $date_range['end_date'] ) );

		// The $count is passed by reference and will be updated by the function call.
		GFAPI::get_entries( $atts['id'], $search_criteria, null, null, $count );

		$atts['count'] = $count;


	return $atts;
} );

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