Search by Place Name

Find addresses by their name. For example, “Mount Trashmore” in Virginia Beach would resolve to an address of “310 Edwin Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462”.

Developer’s Note: The JS in this snippet cannot be included via the Custom Javascript plugin due to an order-of-events issue with GPAA calling the options filter before the Custom Javascript plugin has initialized.



Filename: gpaa-search-by-place-name.php

 * Gravity Perks // Address Autocomplete // Search by Place Name
 * Instruction Video:
 * Find addresses by their name. For example, "Mount Trashmore" in Virginia Beach would resolve to
 * an address of "310 Edwin Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462".
 * Developer's Note: The JS in this snippet cannot be included via the Custom Javascript plugin due
 * to an order-of-events issue with GPAA calling the options filter before the Custom Javascript plugin
 * has initialized.
// Update "123" to your form ID or remove "_123" to apply to all forms.
add_action( 'gform_pre_enqueue_scripts_123', function() {
		gform.addFilter( 'gpaa_autocomplete_options', function( options ) {
			options.types = [ 'geocode', 'establishment' ];
			return options;
		} );
} );

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