Modifier: Add to Blocklist
This snippet introduces a :blocklist
merge tag modifier for Gravity Forms.
When applied to any field merge tag, it generates a secure URL that allows
users to easily add that field’s value to WordPress’s comment
disallowed list (formerly the “comment blacklist”).
Tip: This can be used to allow users to prevent their email from being submitted on any GPB-enabled Gravity Form.
Install the snippet.
Use the
modifier on any field merge tag.
Use the merge tag with the
modifier in your Gravity Forms notifications or confirmations. For example:{Email:1:blocklist}
This will output a secure URL that, when visited, adds the email address to the WordPress blocklist.
Users clicking the generated link will automatically append the field’s value to the WordPress disallowed comment list.
Filename: gpb-blocklist-modifier.php
* Gravity Forms // Gravity Perks // Modifier: Add to Blocklist
* This snippet introduces a `:blocklist` merge tag modifier for Gravity Forms.
* When applied to any field merge tag, it generates a secure URL that allows
* users to easily add that field's value to WordPress's comment
* disallowed list (formerly the "comment blacklist").
* Tip: This can be used to allow users to prevent their email from being submitted
* on any GPB-enabled Gravity Form.
* Usage:
* 1. Use the merge tag with the `:blocklist` modifier in your Gravity Forms notifications
* or confirmations. For example:
* `{Email:1:blocklist}`
* This will output a secure URL that, when visited, adds the email address to the
* WordPress blocklist.
* 2. Users clicking the generated link will automatically append the field's value to the
* WordPress disallowed comment list.
* Instructions:
* 1. Install the snippet.
* 2. Use the `:blocklist` modifier on any field merge tag.
add_filter( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', function ( $value, $merge_tag, $modifier, $field, $raw_value, $format ) {
if ( $modifier !== 'blocklist' || empty( $raw_value ) || ! is_email( $raw_value ) ) {
return $value;
$blocklist_url = add_query_arg([
'value' => $raw_value,
'hash' => wp_hash( $raw_value ),
], site_url( '/?gf_blocklist=1' ));
return esc_url( $blocklist_url );
}, 10, 6 );
add_action( 'init', function () {
if ( empty( $_GET['gf_blocklist'] ) || $_GET['gf_blocklist'] !== '1' ) {
$value = rgget( 'value' );
$hash = rgget( 'hash' );
if ( empty( $value ) || $hash !== wp_hash( $value ) ) {
wp_die( 'Invalid value.' );
// Retrieve the current comment blocklist
$blocklist = get_option( 'disallowed_keys', '' );
// Append the new email if it's not already in the list
if ( stripos( $blocklist, $value ) === false ) {
$blocklist .= PHP_EOL . $value;
update_option( 'disallowed_keys', trim( $blocklist ) );
wp_die( sprintf( '"%s" has been added to the blocklist.', $value ), 'Blocklist', ['response' => 200] );