Set Blocklist by Field Value
Video Instructions:
Use this snippet to create a blocklist editor form. We recommend using Populate Anything to populate WordPress’ current blocklist into the field. The user can then edit the values and submit the form. This snippet will handle updating the blocklist option in the database.
Filename: gpb-set-blocklist-by-field-value.php
* Gravity Perks // Blocklist // Set Blocklist by Field Value
* Video Instructions:
* Use this snippet to create a blocklist editor form. We recommend using [Populate Anything][1] to
* populate WordPress' current blocklist into the field. The user can then edit the values and submit
* the form. This snippet will handle updating the blocklist option in the database.
* [1]:
// Update "123" to your form ID.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_123', function( $entry, $form ) {
// Update "4" to the field ID whose value should be used to set the blocklist.
update_option( 'disallowed_keys', rgar( $entry, 4 ) );
}, 10, 2 );