Process Feeds on Edit
By default, some feeds (such as asynchronous feeds) may not be processed when editing entries. This snippet will disable async feed processing and then loop through all of the registered add-ons and process their feeds.
Note, delayed feeds will still not be processed.
Filename: gpeb-process-feeds-on-edit.php
* Gravity Perks // Entry Blocks // Process Feeds on Edit
* By default, some feeds (such as asynchronous feeds) may not be processed when editing entries. This snippet will
* disable async feed processing and then loop through all of the registered add-ons and process their feeds.
* Note, delayed feeds will still not be processed.
add_filter( 'gform_entry_post_save', function( $entry, $form ) {
// Array of feed ids to exclude for processing, if you want all feeds to be process use an empty array.
$excluded_feed_ids = array( 103, 104 );
if ( ! function_exists( 'gp_entry_blocks' ) ) {
return $entry;
if ( ! gp_entry_blocks()->block_edit_form->has_submitted_edited_entry() ) {
return $entry;
* Disable asynchronous feed process on edit otherwise async feeds will not be re-ran due to a check in
* class-gf-feed-processor.php that checks `gform_get_meta( $entry_id, 'processed_feeds' )` and there isn't
* a way to bypass it.
$filter_priority = rand( 100000, 999999 );
add_filter( 'gform_is_feed_asynchronous', '__return_false', $filter_priority );
add_filter( 'gform_addon_pre_process_feeds', function( $feeds, $entry, $form ) use ( $excluded_feed_ids ) {
// If no feeds are present, return.
if ( ! is_array( $feeds ) ) {
return $feeds;
// Filter feeds excluding the ones in the excluded feed ids array.
$feeds = array_filter( $feeds, function( $feed ) use ( $excluded_feed_ids ) {
return ! in_array( $feed['id'], $excluded_feed_ids );
} );
return $feeds;
}, 10, 3 );
$addons = \GFAddon::get_registered_addons();
foreach ( $addons as $addon ) {
$addon = call_user_func( array( $addon, 'get_instance' ) );
if ( $addon instanceof \GFFeedAddOn ) {
$addon->maybe_process_feed( $entry, $form );
remove_filter( 'gform_is_feed_asynchronous', '__return_false', $filter_priority );
return $entry;
}, 10, 2 );