Filters Block: Use Select for Country Input Filter
Experimental Snippet
All input fields in the Entry Blocks filter are text inputs by default. This snippet changes the input type to a select for the Address field’s Country input.
Filename: gpeb-use-select-for-country-filter.php
* Gravity Perks // Entry Blocks // Filters Block: Use Select for Country Input Filter
* Experimental Snippet
* All input fields in the Entry Blocks filter are text inputs by default. This snippet changes the input type to a
* select for the Address field's Country input.
add_filter( 'gpeb_filter_form_field', function ( $field ) {
if ( ! rgar( $field, 'gpebFilterInputField' ) ) {
return $field;
$input_field = $field['gpebFilterInputField'];
// If we're not working with an Address field, return the field as-is.
if ( $input_field['type'] !== 'address' ) {
return $field;
// Get the input ID.
$input_id = explode( '.', rgar( $field, 'gpebFilterSearch' ) )[1];
switch ( $input_id ) {
// Country
case 6:
$country_choices = array_map( function ( $country ) {
return array(
'text' => $country,
'value' => $country,
}, $field['gpebFilterInputField']->get_countries() );
// Change the field to a select and populate it with countries from the address field.
$new_field = new \GF_Field_Select( array(
'id' => $field['id'],
'label' => $field['label'],
'gpebFilterSearch' => $field['gpebFilterSearch'],
'gpebFilterInputField' => $field['gpebFilterInputField'],
'size' => $field['size'],
'inputs' => $field['inputs'],
'formId' => $field['formId'],
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => $country_choices,
) );
return $new_field;
return $field;
} );