Prevent Exceptions Between Linked Dates Fields

Limit Dates allows you to “link” Date fields by setting the minimum (or maximum) value of one Date field based on the date selected in another. Unfortunately, it does not prevent date range selections that may contain excepted dates.

This snippet adds support for this concept.


  1. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.

  2. Set the Maximum Date of your end Date field to the start Date field, then set the modifier value to next exception.


Filename: gpld-prevent-exceptions-between-linked-date-fields.js

 * Gravity Perks // Limit Dates // Prevent Exceptions Between Linked Dates Fields
 * Video:
 * Limit Dates allows you to "link" Date fields by setting the minimum (or maximum) value of one Date
 * field based on the date selected in another. Unfortunately, it does not prevent date range selections
 * that may contain excepted dates.
 * This snippet adds support for this concept.
 * Instructions:
 * 1. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.
 * 2. Set the **Maximum Date** of your end Date field to the start Date field, then set the modifier value
 *    to `next exception`.
gform.addFilter( 'gpld_modified_date', function( modifiedDate, modifier, date, data, fieldId ) {
	if ( modifier === 'next exception' ) {
		if ( ! ( date instanceof Date ) || isNaN( date.getTime() ) ) {
			return null;
		modifiedDate = gwfindClosestFutureDate( data[ fieldId ].exceptions, date );
	return modifiedDate;
} );

function gwfindClosestFutureDate(dates, baseDate ) {
    const now = new Date( baseDate );
    return dates
        .map(dateStr => new Date(dateStr)) // Convert strings to Date objects
        .filter(date => date > now) // Keep only future dates
        .sort((a, b) => a - b) // Sort dates in ascending order
        [0] || null; // Return the closest future date, or null if there are none

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