Disable Sessions

Given how much data can be captured in a child entry, Nested Forms provides a safety net by storing submitted entry IDs in a cookie so that if the user accidently refreshes the page or closes the tab their submitted entries can be restored.

If you would prefer that Nested Form fields function like other fields where the data is not preserved, use this snippet to disable Nested Forms sessions.



Filename: gpnf-disable-sessions.php

 * Gravity Perks // Nested Forms // Disable Sessions
 * https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-nested-forms/
 * Instruction Video: https://www.loom.com/share/348e9e70999a43eaaf73cf0c820161aa
 * Given how much data can be captured in a child entry, Nested Forms provides a safety net by storing
 * submitted entry IDs in a cookie so that if the user accidently refreshes the page or closes the tab
 * their submitted entries can be restored.
 * If you would prefer that Nested Form fields function like other fields where the data is not preserved,
 * use this snippet to disable Nested Forms sessions.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_gpnf_session', 'gw_gpnf_disable_session', 9 );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_gpnf_session', 'gw_gpnf_disable_session', 9 );
function gw_gpnf_disable_session() {

	remove_action( 'wp_ajax_gpnf_session', array( gp_nested_forms(), 'ajax_session' ) );
	remove_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_gpnf_session', array( gp_nested_forms(), 'ajax_session' ) );

	// Delete previous stored session, both as a convenience for users first install the snippet with existing sessions
	// and as a security precaution to prevent malicious users from creating artificial session cookies.
	$session = new GPNF_Session( rgpost( 'form_id' ) );


add_filter( 'gpnf_can_user_edit_entry', function( $can_user_edit_entry, $entry, $current_user ) {
	// Logged-in users can always edit their entries. Otherwise, only allow editing if the entry does not have a parent
	// and does not belong to a session.
	if ( ! $current_user && (int) gform_get_meta( $entry['id'], GPNF_Entry::ENTRY_PARENT_KEY ) === 0 ) {
		$can_user_edit_entry = true;
	return $can_user_edit_entry;
}, 10, 3 );

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