Filter Entries by Time Field
Experimental Snippet
Filter entry choices by a Time field on the source form. For example, if your source form is used to collect events, including their start date and time, use this snippet to only populate events that have yet to start in your target form.
Filename: gppa-filter-entries-by-time-field.php
* Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Filter Entries by Time Field
* Experimental Snippet
* Filter entry choices by a Time field on the source form. For example, if your source form is used
* to collect events, including their start date and time, use this snippet to only populate events
* that have yet to start in your target form.
// Update "123" to your form ID and "4" to the field being populated with choices.
add_filter( 'gppa_input_choices_123_4', function ( $choices, $field, $objects ) {
// Update "5" to the Time field ID on your source form.
$time_field_id = 5;
$new_choices = array();
foreach ( $choices as $choice ) {
// Convert GF Time field time (e.g. 12:00 pm) to timestamp.
$choice_time = new DateTime( $choice['object']->$time_field_id, wp_timezone() );
if ( $choice_time > current_datetime() ) {
$new_choices[] = $choice;
if ( empty( $new_choices ) ) {
$new_choices[] = array(
'text' => 'No items available.',
'value' => '',
'isSelected' => false,
return $new_choices;
}, 10, 3 );