Remove Empty Label Segments by Delimiter
Let’s say you have a Populate-Anything-populated field that has a Custom Value template configured like this: {post:post_title} – {post:post_excerpt}
This would populate the post title and post excerpt for each populated choice; however, some posts may not have an excerpt. This snippet will split the string up by the delimiter (in this case, ” – “) and remove any empty segments so the final result may look like “Post Title – Post Excerpt” or, if there is no excerpt, just “Post Title”.
Filename: gppa-remove-empty-label-segments.php
* Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Remove Empty Label Segments by Delimiter
* Let's say you have a Populate-Anything-populated field that has a Custom Value template configured like this:
* {post:post_title} - {post:post_excerpt}
* This would populate the post title and post excerpt for each populated choice; however, some posts may not have an
* excerpt. This snippet will split the string up by the delimiter (in this case, " - ") and remove any empty segments
* so the final result may look like "Post Title - Post Excerpt" or, if there is no excerpt, just "Post Title".
// Update "123" to your form ID and "4" to your field ID.
add_filter( 'gppa_input_choices_123_4', function( $choices ) {
foreach ( $choices as &$choice ) {
// Update ' - ' to the value you are using between merge tags in your custom label template.
$delimiter = ' - ';
$bits = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( $delimiter, $choice['text'] ) ) );
$choice['text'] = implode( $delimiter, $bits );
return $choices;
} );