Refresh Live Merge Tags pointing to Simply Schedule Appointments field
This snippet is deprecated and no longer required if you are using the latest version of Simply Schedule Appointments.
By default, if using a Simply Schedule Appointments field and you select an appointment time, any Live Merge Tags referencing the SSA field will not automatically update due to SSA not firing a change event on the hidden input.
This snippet works around the issue by utilizing a MutationObserver that watches the hidden input’s value attribute.
- Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.
Filename: gppa-simply-schedule-appointments-refresh-lmts.js
* Gravity Perks // GP Populate Anything // Refresh Live Merge Tags pointing to Simply Schedule Appointments field
* ## STOP! ##
* This snippet is deprecated and no longer required if you are using the latest version of Simply Schedule Appointments.
* ## Original ##
* By default, if using a Simply Schedule Appointments field and you select an appointment time, any Live Merge Tags
* referencing the SSA field will not automatically update due to SSA not firing a change event on the hidden input.
* This snippet works around the issue by utilizing a MutationObserver that watches the hidden input's value attribute.
* Instructions:
* 1. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.
var observer = new MutationObserver( function ( mutationList ) {
mutationList.forEach( function () {
window.gppaForms[GFFORMID].bulkBatchedAjax( [] );
} );
} );
observer.observe( document.querySelector( '.ssa_appointment_form_field_appointment_id' ), {
attributeFilter: ['value'],
attributeOldValue: true
} );