Move validation errors to be directly above product Gravity Form.

By default, Gravity Shop Product Configurator will display validation errors at the very top of the form used to configure a product. This means it would be above any variations and other controls provided by WooCommerce and other WooCommerce extensions.



Filename: gspc-errors-directly-above-gf.php

 * Gravity Shop // GS Product Configurator // Move validation errors to be directly above product Gravity Form.
 * By default, Gravity Shop Product Configurator will display validation errors at the very top of the form used
 * to configure a product. This means it would be above any variations and other controls provided by WooCommerce
 * and other WooCommerce extensions.
 * Instructions:
 *   Install per
add_filter( 'gform_get_form_filter', function( $markup, $form ) {
	if ( ! function_exists( 'gs_product_configurator' ) || ! gs_product_configurator()->should_enqueue_frontend( $form ) ) {
		return $markup;

	$pattern  = '/<div class="gform_validation_errors" ([\s\S]+?)<\/div>/';
	$pattern2 = '/(<div class=(["\'])gform[-_]body)/';
	if ( preg_match( $pattern, $markup, $matches ) ) {
		$markup = preg_replace( $pattern, '', $markup );
		$markup = preg_replace( $pattern2, $matches[0] . '$1', $markup );
	return $markup;
}, 10, 2 );

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