Catch Help Scout Errors via Email

Use this snippet to send an email directly to your support queue (or administrator) when there is any Help Scout error. By default, this will generate a link to the entry from which the error was generated and also a link to the Help Scout settings.

We use this at Gravity Wiz to catch issues where a ticket was not generated after a support form submission. We send a message to our Help Scout support email so the team is aware of the issue and can correct it immediately.


Filename: gw-catch-help-scout-errors.php

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms Help Scout // Catch Help Scout Errors via Email
 * Use this snippet to send an email directly to your support queue (or administrator) when there is
 * any Help Scout error. By default, this will generate a link to the entry from which the error was
 * generated and also a link to the Help Scout settings.
 * We use this at Gravity Wiz to catch issues where a ticket was not generated after a support form
 * submission. We send a message to our Help Scout support email so the team is aware of the issue
 * and can correct it immediately.
add_action( 'gform_helpscout_error', function( $feed, $entry, $form, $error_message ) {

		$message   = array();
		$message[] = $error_message;
		$message[] = 'View Entry: ' . GFCommon::replace_variables( '{entry_url}', $form, $entry );
		$message[] = 'Help Scout Settings: ' . get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_settings&subview=gravityformshelpscout';

		wp_mail( '', 'Help Scout Error', implode( "\n\n", $message ) );
}, 10, 4 );

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