Use Merge Tags as Dynamic Population Parameters

This snippet enables the ability to use merge tags as dynamic population parameters, allowing you to specify default values for complex fields.

Read the Walkthrough


Filename: gw-dynamic-population-parameters.php

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Use Merge Tags as Dynamic Population Parameters
 * This snippet enables the ability to use merge tags as dynamic population parameters, allowing you to specify default values for complex fields.
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', 'gw_prepopluate_merge_tags' );
function gw_prepopluate_merge_tags( $form ) {
	global $gw_filter_names;

	$gw_filter_names = array();

	foreach ( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {

		if ( ! rgar( $field, 'allowsPrepopulate' ) ) {

		// complex fields store inputName in the "name" property of the inputs array
		if ( is_array( rgar( $field, 'inputs' ) ) && $field['type'] != 'checkbox' ) {
			foreach ( $field->inputs as $input ) {
				if ( $input['name'] ) {
					$gw_filter_names[ $input['name'] ] = GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate( $input['name'] );
		} else {
			$gw_filter_names[ $field->inputName ] = GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate( $field->inputName );

	foreach ( $gw_filter_names as $filter_name => $filter_value ) {

		if ( $filter_value && $filter_name != $filter_value ) {
			add_filter( "gform_field_value_{$filter_name}", function( $value, $field, $name ) {
				global $gw_filter_names;
				$value = $gw_filter_names[ $name ];
				/** @var GF_Field $field  */
				if ( $field->get_input_type() == 'list' ) {
					remove_all_filters( "gform_field_value_{$name}" );
					$value = GFFormsModel::get_parameter_value( $name, array( $name => $value ), $field );
				return $value;
			}, 10, 3 );

	return $form;

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