Restrict States in Address Fields

Restrict the states that can be selected for Address fields. Either restrict specific fields or restrict all Address fields on the site.

See for details on how to install this snippet.


Filename: gw-restrict-states-in-address-fields.php

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Restrict States in Address Fields
 * Restrict the states that can be selected for Address fields. Either restrict specific fields or restrict all Address
 * fields on the site.
 * See for details on how to install this snippet.
 * @version 1.1
 * @license GPL-2.0+
 * @link
class GW_Restrict_States_In_Address_Field {

	public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
		// set our default arguments, parse against the provided arguments, and store for use throughout the class
		$this->_args = wp_parse_args(
				'form_id'            => false,
				'field_id'           => false,
				'allowed_states'     => null,
				'validation_message' => 'We\'re sorry, we only offer our services in the following states: %s',

		if ( ! $this->_args['allowed_states'] ) {

		add_filter( 'gform_validation', array( $this, 'validate' ) );
		add_filter( 'gform_field_input', array( $this, 'register_us_states_filter' ), 10, 2 );
		add_filter( 'gform_field_content', array( $this, 'unregister_us_states_filter' ) );


	 * @param array $result Gravity Forms validation result.
	public function validate( $result ) {
		$form = $result['form'];

		// Do not validate the states unless the form ID matches or if no form ID was supplied which means we validate
		// for all forms.
		if ( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {
			return $result;

		foreach ( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {

			if ( ! $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) ) {

			$field_value    = GFFormsModel::get_field_value( $field );
			$selected_state = rgar( $field_value, "{$field->id}.4" );

			if ( ! $selected_state ) {

			if (
				in_array( $selected_state, $this->_args['allowed_states'], true )
				|| array_key_exists( $selected_state, $this->_args['allowed_states'] )
			) {

			$allowed_states_list = join( ', ', $this->_args['allowed_states'] );

			$field['failed_validation']  = true;
			$field['validation_message'] = sprintf( $this->_args['validation_message'], $allowed_states_list );
			$result['is_valid']          = false;

		$result['form'] = $form;

		return $result;

	 * Register our states filter immediately before the field's input markup is generated.
	 * @param $return
	 * @param $field
	 * @return mixed
	public function register_us_states_filter( $return, $field ) {
		if ( $this->is_applicable_field( $field ) ) {
			add_filter( 'gform_us_states', array( $this, 'filter_states' ) );
		return $return;

	 * Unregister our states filter after the field's input markup has been generated.
	 * @param $return
	 * @return mixed
	public function unregister_us_states_filter( $return ) {
		remove_filter( 'gform_us_states', array( $this, 'filter_states' ) );
		return $return;

	public function filter_states( $states ) {
		return array_intersect( $this->_args['allowed_states'], $states );

	public function is_applicable_form( $form ) {

		$form_id = isset( $form['id'] ) ? $form['id'] : $form;

		return empty( $this->_args['form_id'] ) || (int) $form_id === (int) $this->_args['form_id'];

	public function is_applicable_field( $field ) {

		if ( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $field->formId ) ) {
			return false;

		// Check if this is our specified field if set.
		if ( isset( $this->_args['field_id'] ) && ! empty( $this->_args['field_id'] ) ) {
			return (int) $field->id === (int) $this->_args['field_id'];

		// Otherwise, all Address fields are applicable.
		return $field->get_input_type() === 'address';


// Restrict states for all Address field.
//new GW_Restrict_States_In_Address_Field( array(
//	'allowed_states' => array(
//		'California',
//		'Iowa',
//	),
//) );
// Or when value is different, like using gform_us_states
// (2 letter state values, full state name label).
//new GW_Restrict_States_In_Address_Field( array(
//	'allowed_states' => array(
//		'CA' => 'California',
//		'IA' => 'Iowa',
//	),
//) );

// Restrict states for specific Address field.
new GW_Restrict_States_In_Address_Field( array(
	'form_id'        => 123,
	'field_id'       => 4,
	'allowed_states' => array(
) );

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