Send Notifications to Merge Tags
Use any merge tag in your notification’s “Send to Email” setting.
Filename: gw-send-notifications-to-merge-tags.php
* Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Send Notifications to Merge Tags
* Plugin Name: Gravity Forms Send Notifications to Merge Tags
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Use any merge tag in your notification's "Send to Email" setting.
* Author: Gravity Wiz
* Version: 1.0
* Author URI:
* By default, Gravity Forms Notifications only support Email fields and a pre-population merge tags. In some cases, you
* may have email values in non-Email fields (i.e. populating a Drop Down field with users where their email as the
* value).
* This plugin will process *any* merge tag used in your notification's "Send to Email" setting.
add_filter( 'gform_notification', function( $notification, $form, $entry ) {
$notification['to'] = GFCommon::replace_variables( $notification['to'], $form, $entry, false, false, false, 'text' );
return $notification;
}, 10, 3 );