All Fields Template: Collapsible Sections

Adds support for a collapsible template with All Fields Template.

Preview of Collapsible All Fields Template in action


  1. Ensure you have All Fields Template installled.

  2. Install this snippet. No code configuration required.

  3. Enable the collapsible template on any {all_fields} merge tag. {all_fields:template[collapsible]}

Read the Walkthrough


Filename: gwaft-template-collapsible.php

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // All Fields Template: Collapsible Sections
 * Adds support for a collapsible template with All Fields Template.
 * ![Preview of Collapsible All Fields Template in action](
 * Instructions:
 * 1. Ensure you have All Fields Template installled.
 * 2. Install this snippet. No code configuration required.
 * 3. Enable the collapsible template on any `{all_fields}` merge tag.
 *    `{all_fields:template[collapsible]}`
add_filter( 'gwaft_template_output', function( $content, $slug, $name, $data, $suffixes ) {
	if ( ! in_array( 'collapsible', $suffixes ) ) {
		return $content;
	$pages = $data['form']['pagination']['pages'];
	$page_groups = array();
	foreach ( $data['items'] as $item ) {
		$field = $item['field'];
		// Skip hidden fields.
		if ( $field->type === 'hidden' || $field->visibility === 'hidden' ) {
		// Adjust pageNumber to be zero-based.
		$page_index = $field->pageNumber - 1;
		$page_groups[ $page_index ][] = $item;
		.gwaft-collapsible {
			margin-top: 1rem;
		.gwaft-collapsible details {
			background: var( --gf-color-primary, #2b4cdc );
			color: white;
			border: 2px solid var( --gf-color-primary, #2b4cdc );
			border-radius: var( --gf-radius, 3px );
			padding: 1rem;
			margin-bottom: 1rem;
		.gwaft-collapsible details[open] {
			background: transparent;
			color: inherit;
		.gwaft-collapsible summary {
			outline-width: 0;
		.gwaft-collapsible ul {
			margin: 1rem 0 0;
			padding: 0;
			font-size: 1rem;
		.gwaft-collapsible li {
			display: flex;
			gap: 1rem;
			padding: 1rem;
			border-radius: var( --gf-radius, 3px );
		.gwaft-collapsible li:nth-child(odd) {
			background: rgb( from var(--gf-color-primary) r g b / 5% );
		.gwaft-collapsible li span {
			flex: 1;
	<div class="gwaft-collapsible">
		<?php foreach ( $page_groups as $page_number => $page_group ): ?>
			<summary><?php echo $pages[ $page_number ] ?></summary>
				<?php foreach( $page_group as $item ):

						<span><?php echo $item['label']; ?></span>
						<span><?php echo $item['value']; ?></span>

				endforeach; ?>
		<?php endforeach; ?>
	return ob_get_clean();
}, 10, 5 );

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  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
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