Display Choice Labels for Product Add-ons

By default, Gravity Forms will display the value of a choice after it has been submitted. Install this snippet to display the label of choices in the WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Order, etc.

Worth noting, if you use GP Populate Anything, fields with dynamically populated choices will already display the label of the choice rather than the value as Populate Anything relies on the use of IDs and other unique identifiers of objects.


Filename: gspc-use-choice-labels.php

 * Gravity Wiz // GS Product Configurator // Display Choice Labels for Product Add-ons
 * https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-shop-product-configurator/
 * By default, Gravity Forms will display the value of a choice after it has been submitted. Install this snippet
 * to display the label of choices in the WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Order, etc.
 * Worth noting, if you use GP Populate Anything, fields with dynamically populated choices will already display the
 * label of the choice rather than the value as Populate Anything relies on the use of IDs and other unique identifiers
 * of objects.
 * Instructions: https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/how-do-i-install-a-snippet/
add_filter( 'gspc_addon_display_value', function( $display_value, $field, $entry, $form ) {
	return gspc_get_choice_label( $display_value, $field );
}, 10, 4 );

function gspc_get_choice_label( $value, $field ) {
	if ( ! empty( $field->choices ) ) {
		foreach ( $field->choices as $choice ) {
			if ( $choice['value'] == $value ) {
				$value = $choice['text'];

	return $value;

// Choice-based Product fields must be handled uniquely.
add_filter( 'gspc_addons', function( $addons, $object, $form, $entry ) {
	$products = GFCommon::get_product_fields( $form, $entry );
	foreach ( $addons as &$addon ) {
		$product_field = GFAPI::get_field( $form, $addon['field_id'] );
		$addon_product = rgars( $products, "products/{$addon['field_id']}" );
		if ( ! $addon_product ) {
		$choice_label = gspc_get_choice_label( $addon_product['name'], $product_field );
		if ( $choice_label !== $addon_product['name'] ) {
			$addon['value'] = str_replace( $addon_product['name'], $choice_label, $addon['value'] );
	return $addons;
}, 10, 4 );

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