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372 results for: Populate Anything


Gravity Wiz Weekly 232

WordCamp Europe recap? Check. Rotate your photos with File Upload Pro? Check. Default sorting with Populate Anything? ✅ Conditional Logic for Feed Forge? Check!
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 229

Populate Anything 2.1 🤝 React, support for GPT-4o with Gravity Forms OpenAI, watch our live workshop on Populate Anything, and more!
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 227

See Populate Anything in action with a new spotlight and a live workshop! Plus, Feed Forge goodness and persistent user-added choices with Advanced Select.
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Ignore Empty Search Value

When filtering Populate Anything results using the "Advanced Select Search Value" option, by default, it will not show any results until the user has entered a search value. This snippet will ignore the search value filter if no search value has been entered, displaying the first 50 results and allowing the user to infinitely scroll through the all results.

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Set Blocklist by Field Value

Video Instructions:

Use this snippet to create a blocklist editor form. We recommend using Populate Anything to populate WordPress' current blocklist into the field. The user can then edit the values and submit the form. This snippet will handle updating the blocklist option in the database.

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Provides the ability to set limits on dynamic choices populated by Populate Anything.

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Disable Multi-Page Navigation Links via CSS

This CSS disables Mulit-page Naviation's page links whenever GP Populate Anything disables the form navigation.

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Attach Child Entry by Field

Attach child entries to a parent entry when the child form is submitted outside a Nested Form field. The attachment happens by specifying a field on the child form that will contain the parent entry ID to which the form should be attached. Tip: Populate Anything can be used to populate this field with existing parent entries. The designated field will only appear when the child form is accessed outside a Nested Form field.

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Refresh Markup in Nested Form B After Submission in Nested Form A

Refresh the markup in Nested Form B after a child entry has been submitted in Nested Form field A. This is useful when combined with Populate Anything to allow entries submitted in one Nested Form field to be populated as choices in another.

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Add A Custom Choice Template

Choice templates allow you to map data to different properties of your Gravity Forms choices.

In this example, we demonstrate how to create a new template for a theoretical "image" choice property. With this in place, you would be able to select a value in the Populate Anything choices UI that is mapped to the "image" property for each choice.

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Custom Database

By default, Populate Anything will only show the database that the current WordPress installation is on.

The following snippet allows registering additional an additional database with custom credentials.

You can add multiple databases by adjusting the class names and adding additional gp_populate_anything()->register_object_type() calls.

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Disable GFML gform_pre_render callback

Bypass processing forms with Gravity Forms Multilingual when pulling results for Populate Anything via AJAX.

The reason for this is due to the 'gform_pre_render' method in Gravity_Forms_Multilingual using a runtime cache to cache all forms which interferes with Populate Anything.

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Force Rehydration on Edit

Use this snippet to force fields to be rehydrated via Populate Anything when they are rendered in the Entry Blocks edit form.

Note: This snippet requires Populate Anything 2.0+.

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Ignore Empty Save & Continue Values

By default, Populate Anything will honor empty values saved for a field via Save & Continue. Use this snippet if you would like to ignore empty Save & Continue values and use GPPA-populated values.

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Include Static Choices

Include static choices alongside your dynamic choices populated by Populate Anything.

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