Capture Neighborhood Seperately
Filename: gpaa-capture-neighborhood-separately.js
* Gravity Perks // Address Autocomplete // Capture Neighborhood Seperately
gform.addAction('gpaa_fields_filled', function (place, instance, formId, fieldId) {
place.address_components.forEach( function( component ) {
if ( component.types.indexOf( 'neighborhood' ) !== -1 ) {
// Update "4" to the field ID in which you would like to capture the Neighborhood.
$( '#input_GFFORMID_4' ).val( component.long_name );
} );
return place;
} );
Haha it’s neat to see our customer support request make it in the website.
Good job
Hi Andrew,
Request such as yours are what helps us, find ways to keep improving our Perks.