Auto Rule Groups

This snippet introduces the concept of automatic rule groups to Conditional Logic Dates. Auto rule groups are intelligently modified time-based rules, adjusted based on the date-and-time-based rules that precede them.

For example, if a rule is configured where the Current Time is greater than 5:00pm and second rule where the Current Time is less than 8:00am, it is logical that the second rule is intended to check for 8:00am tomorrow. This snippet set a base date modifier to increment the date used to calculate the time value for the next day.

In the future, we look forward to adding support for enhancing this snippet with support for applying the same logic when a Current Time rule is preceded by a Date field rule.


Filename: gpcld-auto-rule-groups.php

 * Gravity Perks // Conditional Logic Dates // Auto Rule Groups
 * This snippet introduces the concept of automatic rule groups to Conditional Logic Dates. Auto rule groups are intelligently
 * modified time-based rules, adjusted based on the date-and-time-based rules that precede them.
 * For example, if a rule is configured where the Current Time is greater than 5:00pm and second rule where the Current
 * Time is less than 8:00am, it is logical that the second rule is intended to check for 8:00am tomorrow. This snippet
 * set a base date modifier to increment the date used to calculate the time value for the next day.
 * In the future, we look forward to adding support for enhancing this snippet with support for applying the same logic
 * when a Current Time rule is preceded by a Date field rule.
add_filter( 'gform_form_post_get_meta', function( $form ) {

	if ( ! is_callable( array( 'GFForms', 'get_page' ) ) || GFForms::get_page() ) {
		return $form;

	foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field ) {

		if ( empty( $field->conditionalLogic ) || $field->conditionalLogic['logicType'] !== 'all' ) {

		$start_time_rule = null;

		foreach ( $field->conditionalLogic['rules'] as &$rule ) {

			if ( $start_time_rule ) {
				$start_time = strtotime( $start_time_rule['value'] );
				$end_time   = strtotime( $rule['value'] );
				if ( $rule['operator'] === '<' && $start_time > $end_time ) {
					$rule['gpcldBaseDate'] = 1;
				$start_time_rule = null;
			} elseif ( $rule['fieldId'] === '_gpcld_current_time' && $rule['operator'] === '>' ) {
				$start_time_rule = $rule;

	return $form;
} );

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