Preserve Pricing Logic At Time of Submission

Plugins that provide editing functionality (like Entry Blocks and GravityView) will allow you to modify previously selected products. If you make changes to your Conditional Pricing rules, the original price will be lost when the entry is loaded for editing.

This snippet saves the current pricing logic when the entry is created and then restores it when the entry is loaded for editing.

Note: We do not recommend this approach if you have more than a hundred or so pricing rules.


Filename: gpcp-save-pricing-logic-to-entry.php

 * Gravity Perks // Conditional Pricing // Preserve Pricing Logic At Time of Submission
 * Plugins that provide editing functionality (like Entry Blocks and GravityView) will allow you to modify previously
 * selected products. If you make changes to your Conditional Pricing rules, the original price will be lost when the
 * entry is loaded for editing.
 * This snippet saves the current pricing logic when the entry is created and then restores it when the entry is loaded
 * for editing.
 * Note: We do not recommend this approach if you have more than a hundred or so pricing rules.
add_action( 'gpcp_pricing_logic', function( $pricing_logic, $form ) {

	if ( ! is_callable( 'gravityview' ) ) {
		return $pricing_logic;

	$entry = gravityview()->request->is_edit_entry();
	if ( ! $entry ) {
		return $pricing_logic;

	$saved_pricing_logic = gform_get_meta( $entry->ID, 'gpcp_pricing_logic' );
	if ( ! $saved_pricing_logic ) {
		return $pricing_logic;

	return $saved_pricing_logic;
}, 10, 2 );

add_action( 'gform_entry_created', function( $entry, $form ) {
	if ( rgar( $form, 'gw_pricing_logic' ) ) {
		gform_add_meta( $entry['id'], 'gpcp_pricing_logic', $form['gw_pricing_logic'] );
}, 10, 2 );

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