Add Support for Choice-based Rules with WPML Translations
Experimental Snippet
Filename: gpcp-wpml-support.php
* Gravity Perks // Conditional Pricing // Add Support for Choice-based Rules with WPML Translations
* Experimental Snippet
add_filter( 'gpcp_pricing_logic', function( $pricing_logic, $form ) {
if ( isset( $GLOBALS['wpml_gfml_tm_api'] ) ) {
* GPCP fetches the pricing logic at several points during the page load. We need to translate our pricing
* rules *before* WPML has translated the form. Otherwise, choice-based conditions will not return a
* translation match since the original choice has already been translated. This is relevant to the
* Gravity_Forms_Multilingual::translate_conditional_logic() call below.
static $wpml_pricing_logic;
if ( isset( $wpml_pricing_logic[ $form['id'] ] ) ) {
return $wpml_pricing_logic[ $form['id'] ];
foreach ( $pricing_logic as &$field_pricing_logic ) {
* WPML's translate_conditional_logic() method only translates the "fields" and "notifications" section
* and it needs the "fields" section to look up fields for conditional logic so... we use "notifications".
$form['notifications'] = $field_pricing_logic;
$form = $GLOBALS['wpml_gfml_tm_api']->translate_conditional_logic( $form );
$field_pricing_logic = $form['notifications'];
$wpml_pricing_logic[ $form['id'] ] = $pricing_logic;
return $pricing_logic;
}, 10, 2 );