Conditional Edit
Experimental Snippet
Create a field on your form and check for a specific value on that field to determine if the passed through entry should be edited or if a new entry should be created.
Read the WalkthroughCode
Filename: gpepee-conditional-edit.php
* Gravity Perks // Easy Passthrough Edit Entry // Conditional Edit
* Experimental Snippet
* Create a field on your form and check for a specific value on that field to determine if the passed
* through entry should be edited or if a new entry should be created.
// Update "123" to the form you are using to edit entries.
add_filter( 'gpepee_edit_entry_id_123', function( $update_entry_id, $form_id ) {
// Update "4" to the field ID you want to check the value of.
if ( rgpost( 'input_4' ) === 'Add New' ) {
$update_entry_id = false;
return $update_entry_id;
}, 10, 2 );