Flip Aspect Ratio Based on Dimensions


  1. Configure your field by selecting the “Enable Cropping” field setting. DO NOT set the “Aspect Ratio” setting.

  2. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin. https://gravitywiz.com/gravity-forms-code-chest/

  3. Update the landscapeRatio variable per the inline instructions.


Filename: gpfup-flip-aspect-ratio-based-on-dimensions.js

 * Gravity Perks // File Upload Pro // Flip Aspect Ratio Based on Dimensions
 * https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-file-upload-pro/
 * Instructions:
 * 1. Configure your field by selecting the "Enable Cropping" field setting.
 *    DO NOT set the "Aspect Ratio" setting.
 * 2. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.
 *    https://gravitywiz.com/gravity-forms-code-chest/
 * 3. Update the `landscapeRatio` variable per the inline instructions.
// Update "3/2" to the desired ratio for landscape images. Portraits will automatically have the ratio flipped (e.g. "2/3").
let currentFile;
let currentFileDimensions;
let landscapeRatio = 3/2;

gform.addFilter( 'gpfup_cropper_options', function( options, formId, fieldId ) {

	if ( typeof options.stencilProps === 'undefined' ) {
		options.stencilProps = { 'aspectRatio': landscapeRatio };

	if ( typeof options.defaultSize === 'undefined' ) {
		return options;

	if ( options.defaultSize.height > options.defaultSize.width ) {
		options.stencilProps.aspectRatio = 1 / landscapeRatio;
	} else {
		options.stencilProps.aspectRatio = landscapeRatio;

	return options;
} );

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