Read Only

Disable interactions on fields using File Upload Pro. This snippet hides the delete button, drop area, upload button, drag handle, and crop button. This can be useful if the field is going to be hydrated from another source such as GF User Registration and you are wanting to provide a way to display what’s already been uploaded.


  1. Copy and paste these styles into your theme’s style.css file (or anywhere your theme allows custom CSS).
    1. Enable File Upload Pro on your File Upload field.
    2. Add “gpfup-read-only” to the “Custom CSS Class” setting (on the Appearance tab).


Filename: gpfup-read-only.css

 * Gravity Perks // File Upload Pro // Read Only
 * Disable interactions on fields using File Upload Pro. This snippet hides the delete button, drop area,
 * upload button, drag handle, and crop button. This can be useful if the field is going to be hydrated from
 * another source such as GF User Registration and you are wanting to provide a way to display what's already
 * been uploaded.
 * Instructions:
 *   1. Copy and paste these styles into your theme's style.css file (or anywhere your theme allows custom CSS).
 *   2. Enable File Upload Pro on your File Upload field.
 *   3. Add "gpfup-read-only" to the "Custom CSS Class" setting (on the Appearance tab).
.gpfup-read-only .gform_fileupload_rules,
.gpfup-read-only .gpfup__droparea,
.gpfup-read-only .gpfup__delete,
.gpfup-read-only .gpfup__drag-handle,
.gpfup-read-only .gpfup__edit
	display: none !important;

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