Dynamic Scopes for Combo Inventories
Imagine a form with two Drop Down fields with available time slots. One Time Slot field is for a Standard package. This field has inventory enabled and is scoped to a Date field and a Room field (a Drop Down field with available rooms). If a Standard package is selected, a Room must also be selected.
The other Time Slot field is for an Ultimate package. This field is configured identically to the Standard package; however, Ultimate packages should claim inventory for both rooms for a given Date and Time Slot. When an Ultimate package is selected, the Room field is hidden via conditional logic.
The goal of this snippet is to ensure that the Ultimate field’s claimed inventory applies to the Standard field’s inventory such that if the 2pm time slot is claimed for Room A (or Room B) in the Standard field, the 2pm time slot in the Ultimate field is also claimed. Similarly, if the 2pm time slot is claimed in the Ultimate field, the 2pm time slot should be claimed for both Room A and Room B in the Standard field (since the Ultimate package reserves both).
This snippet achieves this by altering the query to remove the second scope (in this case, the Room field). The rules for dictating when the Room scope is removed are explained in comments in the snippet below.
Install the snippet. https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/managing-snippets/#where-do-i-put-snippets
Update the inline variables with your form and field IDs.
Filename: gpi-dynamic-scopes-for-combo-inventories.php
* Gravity Perks // Inventory // Dynamic Scopes for Combo Inventories
* https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-inventory/
* Instruction Video: https://www.loom.com/share/5e43a48fded04182859569a5b5874422
* Imagine a form with two Drop Down fields with available time slots. One Time Slot field is for a Standard package.
* This field has inventory enabled and is scoped to a Date field and a Room field (a Drop Down field with available
* rooms). If a Standard package is selected, a Room must also be selected.
* The other Time Slot field is for an Ultimate package. This field is configured identically to the Standard package;
* however, Ultimate packages should claim inventory for both rooms for a given Date and Time Slot. When an Ultimate
* package is selected, the Room field is hidden via conditional logic.
* The goal of this snippet is to ensure that the Ultimate field's claimed inventory applies to the Standard field's
* inventory such that if the 2pm time slot is claimed for Room A (or Room B) in the Standard field, the 2pm time slot
* in the Ultimate field is also claimed. Similarly, if the 2pm time slot is claimed in the Ultimate field, the 2pm time
* slot should be claimed for both Room A and Room B in the Standard field (since the Ultimate package reserves both).
* This snippet achieves this by altering the query to remove the second scope (in this case, the Room field). The rules
* for dictating when the Room scope is removed are explained in comments in the snippet below.
* Instructions:
* 1. Install the snippet.
* https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/managing-snippets/#where-do-i-put-snippets
* 2. Update the inline variables with your form and field IDs.
add_filter( 'gpi_query', function( $query, $field ) {
$form_id = 1133;
$standard_field_id = 4;
$super_field_id = 6;
$ultimate_field_id = 9;
* We're querying for the Ultimate field's (an inventory-enabled Radio Button field with time slots) inventory. Lets
* ensure that the Standard and Super fields' claimed inventory is included in the Ultimate field's. We do this below
* by altering the query to remove the second scope (which is a Drop Down field with available rooms).
if ( $field->id === $ultimate_field_id ) {
$fields_to_alter = array( $standard_field_id, $super_field_id, $ultimate_field_id );
} elseif ( in_array( $field->id, array( $standard_field_id, $super_field_id ) ) ) {
* We're querying for the Standard or Super field's (inventory-enabled Drop Down fields with available rooms) inventory.
* Let's ensure that the Ultimate field's claimed inventory is included in the Standard and Super fields'.
$fields_to_alter = array( $ultimate_field_id );
} else {
return $query;
foreach ( $fields_to_alter as $current_field_id ) {
$query['where'] = preg_replace(
"/\(e.form_id = {$form_id} AND em.form_id = {$form_id} AND em.meta_key = '{$current_field_id}'\) AND ([a-z0-9_]+)\.meta_value = '(.*?)' AND [a-z0-9_]+\.meta_value = '(.*?)'/",
"(e.form_id = {$form_id} AND em.form_id = {$form_id} AND em.meta_key = '{$current_field_id}') AND \${1}.meta_value = '\${2}'",
return $query;
}, 10, 2 );