Preserve Remaining Count Conditional Logic Context

Limit Choices provides a useful feature for using the remaining count for a selected choice in conditional logic. Currently, this option does not preserve it’s context for the entire submission flow. For example, if there is one “spot” of a given choice remaining, the conditional logic on the frontend will evaluate with a remaining count of 1. However, on submission that spot is consumed and so the conditional logic will then evaluate with 0 remaining.

This stop-gap solution allows you to save the remaining count at the time of submission. You can then use this field to create conditional logic rules in post-submission contexts (i.e. Confirmations, Notifications, feeds).


  1. Add a Hidden field to your form to capture the remaining count at the time of submission.
  2. Copy and paste this snippet into your theme’s functions.php file.
  3. Update the snippet per the inline instructions.


Filename: gplc-preserve-remaining-context.php

 * Gravity Perks // GP Limit Choices // Preserve Remaining Count Conditional Logic Context
 * Limit Choices provides a useful feature for using the remaining count for a selected choice in conditional logic.
 * Currently, this option does not preserve it's context for the entire submission flow. For example, if there is one
 * "spot" of a given choice remaining, the conditional logic on the frontend will evaluate with a remaining count of 1.
 * However, on submission that spot is consumed and so the conditional logic will then evaluate with 0 remaining.
 * This stop-gap solution allows you to save the remaining count at the time of submission. You can then use this field
 * to create conditional logic rules in post-submission contexts (i.e. Confirmations, Notifications, feeds).
 * Instructions
 * 1. Add a Hidden field to your form to capture the remaining count at the time of submission.
 * 2. Copy and paste this snippet into your theme's functions.php file.
 * 3. Update the snippet per the inline instructions.
// Update "123" to your form ID.
add_filter( 'gform_pre_submission_123', function( $form ) {

	// Update "4" to the ID of the field with Limit Choices enabled.
	$choice_field_id = 4;

	// Update "5" to the ID of a Hidden field on your form to be used to store the remaining count on submission.
	$remaining_field_id = 5;

	$choice_count = GP_Limit_Choices::get_entries_left( $form['id'], $choice_field_id, rgpost( "input_{$choice_field_id}" ) );

	$_POST[ "input_{$remaining_field_id}" ] = $choice_count;

} );

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