Limit by Entry Meta

This snippet allows you use a Limit Submissions feed to limit by entry meta by setting a filter in the feed name. This is a stop-gap approach until we can add full support for entry meta to core.

Usage Instructions

  1. Add your feed name (e.g. Limit by Passed Quizzes).
  2. Append your entry meta filter (e.g. Limit by Passed Quizzes [gquiz_is_pass:1]). The format for the filter is [meta_key:meta_value].
  3. Configure the rest of the feed as normal but leave the default Rules in place (e.g. IP -> Each IP). You cannot add additional rules.


Filename: gpls-limit-by-entry-meta.php

 * Gravity Perks // Limit Submission // Limit by Entry Meta
 * This snippet allows you use a Limit Submissions feed to limit by entry meta by setting a filter in the feed name.
 * This is a stop-gap approach until we can add full support for entry meta to core.
 * # Usage Instructions #
 * 1. Add your feed name (e.g. Limit by Passed Quizzes).
 * 2. Append your entry meta filter (e.g. Limit by Passed Quizzes [gquiz_is_pass:1]).
 *    The format for the filter is [meta_key:meta_value].
 * 3. Configure the rest of the feed as normal but leave the default Rules in place (e.g. IP -> Each IP).
 *    You cannot add additional rules.
add_filter( 'gpls_rule_groups', function( $rule_groups ) {

	foreach ( $rule_groups as $rule_group ) {
		if ( preg_match_all( '/\[(.+?):(.+?)\]/', $rule_group->name, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
			$func = function( $gpls_ruletest ) use ( $matches, &$func ) {
				global $wpdb;
				$gpls_ruletest->join[]  = "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}gf_entry_meta em ON em.entry_id =";
				$gpls_ruletest->where[] = $wpdb->prepare( "\n( em.meta_key = %s AND em.meta_value = %s )", $matches[0][1], $matches[0][2] );
				remove_action( 'gpls_before_query', $func );
			add_action( 'gpls_before_query', $func );

	return $rule_groups;
} );

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