Skip Sundays for Drip Campaigns

This snippet will automatically adjust a notification’s “Delay” schedule to ensure that it is not sent on a Sunday. All subsequent notifications with have their delay automatically adjusted to ensure that they arrive in the correct order. This requires that all notifications be created in the exact order that they should be received.


Filename: gpns-skip-sundays.php

 * Gravity Perks // Notification Scheduler // Skip Sundays for Drip Campaigns
 * This snippet will automatically adjust a notification's "Delay" schedule to ensure that it is not sent on a Sunday.
 * All subsequent notifications with have their delay automatically adjusted to ensure that they arrive in the correct
 * order. This requires that all notifications be created in the exact order that they should be received.
add_filter( 'gpns_schedule_timestamp_123', function( $schedule_datetime ) {
	static $buffer;

	if ( $buffer === null ) {
		$buffer = 0;

	$date = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $schedule_datetime );

	if ( $buffer > 0 ) {
		$date->add( new DateInterval( "P{$buffer}D" ) );

	if ( $date->format( 'l' ) === 'Sunday' ) {
		$date->add( new DateInterval( 'P1D' ) );

	if ( $buffer <= 0 ) {
		return $schedule_datetime;

	return $date->format( 'U' );
}, 10, 5 );

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