Use Post Meta Date Picker Fields for Comparison
Cast dates saved by Advanced Custom Fields or Pods into dates that are comparable using MySQL queries.
- Install per
- Replace DATEPICKERMETAKEYNAME with the appropriate ACF/Pods Date Picker Field meta key name.
- Uncomment/comment the appropriate $date_format variable depending on if you are using ACF or Pods.
Filename: gppa-post-meta-datepicker-comparison.php
* Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Use Post Meta Date Picker Fields for Comparison
* The snippet will cast dates saved by Advanced Custom Fields or Pods into dates that are comparable using MySQL queries.
* Instructions:
* 1. Install per
* 2. Replace DATEPICKERMETAKEYNAME with the appropriate ACF/Pods Date Picker Field meta key name.
* 3. Uncomment/comment the appropriate $date_format variable depending on if you are using ACF or Pods.
* Plugin Name: GP Populate Anything — Use Post Meta Date Picker Fields for Comparison
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Cast dates saved by Advanced Custom Fields or Pods into dates that are comparable using MySQL queries.
* Author: Gravity Wiz
* Version: 0.1
* Author URI:
add_filter( 'gppa_object_type_post_filter_meta_DATEPICKERMETAKEYNAME', 'process_filter_post_meta_date_picker', 10, 4 );
function process_filter_post_meta_date_picker( $query_builder_args, $args ) {
// Uncomment/comment the appropriate lines below depending on if you are using ACF or Pods.
$date_format = '%%Y%%m%%d'; // ACF
//$date_format = '%%Y-%%m-%%d'; // Pods
global $wpdb;
* @var $filter_value
* @var $filter
* @var $filter_group
* @var $filter_group_index
* @var $property
* @var $property_id
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DontExtract.extract_extract
extract( $args );
$object_type = gp_populate_anything()->get_object_type( 'post' );
$meta_operator = $object_type->get_sql_operator( $filter['operator'] );
$meta_value = $object_type->get_sql_value( $filter['operator'], $filter_value );
if ( ! isset( $object_type->post_date_meta_counter ) ) {
$object_type->post_date_meta_counter = 0;
$object_type->post_date_meta_counter ++;
$as_table = 'mq' . $object_type->post_date_meta_counter;
// phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
$query_builder_args['where'][ $filter_group_index ][] = $wpdb->prepare( "(
{$as_table}.meta_key = %s
STR_TO_DATE({$as_table}.meta_value, )
STR_TO_DATE(%s, $date_format)
)", rgar( $property, 'value' ), $meta_value );
$query_builder_args['joins'][ $as_table ] = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS {$as_table} ON ( {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$as_table}.post_id )";
return $query_builder_args;