Use Post Meta Date Picker Fields for Comparison

Cast dates saved by Advanced Custom Fields or Pods into dates that are comparable using MySQL queries.


  1. Install per
  2. Replace DATEPICKERMETAKEYNAME with the appropriate ACF/Pods Date Picker Field meta key name.
  3. Uncomment/comment the appropriate $date_format variable depending on if you are using ACF or Pods.


Filename: gppa-post-meta-datepicker-comparison.php

 * Gravity Perks // Populate Anything // Use Post Meta Date Picker Fields for Comparison
 * The snippet will cast dates saved by Advanced Custom Fields or Pods into dates that are comparable using MySQL queries.
 * Instructions:
 *  1. Install per
 *  2. Replace DATEPICKERMETAKEYNAME with the appropriate ACF/Pods Date Picker Field meta key name.
 *  3. Uncomment/comment the appropriate $date_format variable depending on if you are using ACF or Pods.
 * Plugin Name:  GP Populate Anything — Use Post Meta Date Picker Fields for Comparison
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description:  Cast dates saved by Advanced Custom Fields or Pods into dates that are comparable using MySQL queries.
 * Author:       Gravity Wiz
 * Version:      0.1
 * Author URI:
add_filter( 'gppa_object_type_post_filter_meta_DATEPICKERMETAKEYNAME', 'process_filter_post_meta_date_picker', 10, 4 );
function process_filter_post_meta_date_picker( $query_builder_args, $args ) {

	// Uncomment/comment the appropriate lines below depending on if you are using ACF or Pods.
	$date_format = '%%Y%%m%%d'; // ACF
	//$date_format = '%%Y-%%m-%%d'; // Pods

	global $wpdb;

	 * @var $filter_value
	 * @var $filter
	 * @var $filter_group
	 * @var $filter_group_index
	 * @var $property
	 * @var $property_id
	// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DontExtract.extract_extract
	extract( $args );

	$object_type   = gp_populate_anything()->get_object_type( 'post' );
	$meta_operator = $object_type->get_sql_operator( $filter['operator'] );
	$meta_value    = $object_type->get_sql_value( $filter['operator'], $filter_value );

	if ( ! isset( $object_type->post_date_meta_counter ) ) {
		$object_type->post_date_meta_counter = 0;

	$object_type->post_date_meta_counter ++;
	$as_table = 'mq' . $object_type->post_date_meta_counter;

	// phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
	$query_builder_args['where'][ $filter_group_index ][] = $wpdb->prepare( "(
				{$as_table}.meta_key = %s
				STR_TO_DATE({$as_table}.meta_value, )
				STR_TO_DATE(%s, $date_format)
			)", rgar( $property, 'value' ), $meta_value );

	$query_builder_args['joins'][ $as_table ] = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS {$as_table} ON ( {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$as_table}.post_id )";

	return $query_builder_args;


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