Combined Word Count: Validate Rather than Truncate

This PHP snippet is designed to work in conjunction with the “Combined Word Count” snippet here:

By default, the combined words will be truncated to the max word count. This snippet will disable truncation and validate the combined word count instead. If the combined word count exceeds the max word count, the source fields which are combined will be marked as invalid and a validation message will be displayed.


  1. Install and activate the JS snippet that handles combining the word counts.

  2. Install and activate this snippet.

  3. Configure this snippet for your form and fields based on the inline instructions.


Filename: gpwc-combined-word-count-no-truncation.php

 * Gravity Perks // Word Count // Combined Word Count: Validate Rather than Truncate
 * This PHP snippet is designed to work in conjunction with the "Combined Word Count" snippet here:
 * By default, the combined words will be truncated to the max word count. This snippet will disable truncation and
 * validate the combined word count instead. If the combined word count exceeds the max word count, the source fields
 * which are combined will be marked as invalid and a validation message will be displayed.
 * Instructions
 * 1. Install and activate the JS snippet that handles combining the word counts.
 * 2. Install and activate this snippet.
 * 3. Configure this snippet for your form and fields based on the inline instructions.
call_user_func( function() {

	// Update "123" to your form ID.
	$form_id = 123;

	// Update "4" and "5" to the IDs of the fields that are combined to create the combined word count.
	$source_field_ids = array( 4, 5 );

	// Update "6" to the ID of the field that will capture the combined words and generate the combined word count.
	$combined_field_id = 6;

	add_filter( 'gpwc_script_args', function( $args, $field ) use ( $form_id, $combined_field_id ) {
		if ( $field->formId == $form_id && $field->id == $combined_field_id ) {
			$args['truncate'] = false;
		return $args;
	}, 10, 2 );

	add_filter( "gform_validation_{$form_id}", function( $result ) use ( $source_field_ids, $combined_field_id ) {
		if ( $result['is_valid'] ) {
			return $result;
		$combined_field_id = GFAPI::get_field( $result['form'], $combined_field_id );
		if ( ! $combined_field_id->failed_validation ) {
			return $result;
		foreach ( $source_field_ids as $source_field_id ) {
			$source_field                     = GFAPI::get_field( $result['form'], $source_field_id );
			$source_field->failed_validation  = true;
			$source_field->validation_message = sprintf( 'The maximum combined word count of %d has been exceeded.', $combined_field_id->gwwordcount_max_word_count );
			unset( $source_field );
		return $result;
	} );

} );

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