Limit Columns in Survey Field to Single Selection


  1. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.


Filename: gw-limit-columns-in-survey-field-to-single-selection.js

 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Limit Columns in Survey Field to Single Selection
 * Video:
 * Instructions:
 * 1. Install this snippet with our free Custom JavaScript plugin.
// Update to the Survey field ID on your form.
const fieldId = '1';
// If you want to exclude a column from this behavior, set the column label here.
// If you don't want it to exclude any column, set it to an empty string.
const exceptionColumnLabel = 'Not Available';

$( document ).on( 'change', `#field_${GFFORMID}_${fieldId} input[type="radio"]`, function () {
	const $selectedRadio = $(this);
	const $td            = $selectedRadio.closest('td');

	// Skip logic if the column label matches the exception label.
	if ( exceptionColumnLabel && $'label') == exceptionColumnLabel ) {

	const ariaLabels = $selectedRadio.attr( 'aria-labelledby' ).split( ' ' );
	const columnId   = ariaLabels.find( label => label.startsWith( 'likert_col_' ) ) ;

	if ( columnId ) {
		// Find all radio buttons in the same column.
		const $table          = $selectedRadio.closest( 'table' );
		const $radiosInColumn = $table.find( `input[type="radio"][aria-labelledby*="${columnId}"]` );

		// Deselect all other radio buttons in the same column.
		$radiosInColumn.not($selectedRadio).each(function () {
			let $radio = $(this);
			let $parentTd = $radio.closest('td');

			$radio.prop('checked', false);

			// if gsurvey-likert-selected class is added to the parent td, remove it (GF 2.5 Theme). 
			if ( $parentTd.length && $parentTd.hasClass( 'gsurvey-likert-selected' ) ) {
				$parentTd.removeClass( 'gsurvey-likert-selected' );

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