Remove Qty from Cart Description

Add “wcgfpa-remove-qty” to your field’s CSS Class Name setting and this snippet will automatically remove the quantity from the product’s description in the cart.

Default description: Product Name A: Qty: 1, Price: $0.00

Quantity removed: Product Name A: Price: $0.00



Filename: wcgfpa-remove-qty-from-cart-description.php

 * Gravity Forms // WC GF Product Add-ons // Remove Qty from Cart Description
 * Instruction Video:
 * Add "wcgfpa-remove-qty" to your field's CSS Class Name setting and this snippet will automatically remove the
 * quantity from the product's description in the cart.
 * Default description:
 * Product Name A: Qty: 1, Price: $0.00
 * Quantity removed:
 * Product Name A: Price: $0.00
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gforms_field_display_text', function( $display_text, $display_value, $field ) {
	if ( strpos( $field->cssClass, 'wcgfpa-remove-qty' ) !== false ) {
		preg_match_all( '/Qty: [0-9]+, /', $display_text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
		$match        = array_pop( $matches );
		$display_text = str_replace( $match[0], '', $display_text );
	return $display_text;
}, 10, 3 );

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