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Recent Updates

  • Gravity Wiz Weekly 235
    Hot weather calls for hot features! Bulk rescheduling with Notification Scheduler, select all for multi-select fields, and how to build a Gravity-Forms-powered customer messaging system.
  • Gravity Wiz Weekly 234
    Enhance your chained selects, courtesy of a community wizard. Plus, GP Email Users can now send attachments, auto-mapping with GP Google Sheets, and plenty more.
  • GP Google Sheets is Leaving Gravity Perks
    But it’s not too late to lock this “perk” into your suite forever!1
  • Gravity Wiz Weekly 233
    Compare Date fields with Conditional Logic Dates, view uploaded files with Preview Submission, block out date ranges in Gravity Forms, and more spicy highlights.
  • Gravity Wiz Weekly 232
    WordCamp Europe recap? Check. Rotate your photos with File Upload Pro? Check. Default sorting with Populate Anything? ✅ Conditional Logic for Feed Forge? Check!