Update Other Entry on Submission

Update a field value of an entry on Form A when Form B is submitted based on populated Easy Passthrough token.

This technique provides a secure way to allow users to modify specific information on a previous entry without exposing an entry ID. Exposing the entry ID can be a security risk as it is highly predictable, potentially allowing bad actors to act on entries that do not belong to them.

Note: this is very similar to our GPEP Edit Entry snippet. The key difference is the GPEP Edit Entry snippet is intended to update entries using the same form that they were submitted from, while this snippet is intended to provide a more surgical approach, updating only specific values on the original entry based on the submission of a separate form.


  1. Add a Hidden field to Form B that will be used to capture an Easy Passthrough token.

  2. Configure an Easy Passthrough feed on Form B to map data from Form A.

  3. In the “Map Entry Meta” section, map the “Easy Passthrough Token” from Form A to the field you’ve created to capture it on Form B.

  4. Install and configure this snippet per the inline instructions.


Filename: gpep-update-other-form-entry-by-ep-token.php

 * Gravity Perks // Easy Passthrough // Update Other Entry on Submission
 * https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-easy-passthrough/
 * Instruction Video: https://www.loom.com/share/65fad5b264e640ab94dca058d6ba83f4
 * Update a field value of an entry on Form A when Form B is submitted based on populated
 * Easy Passthrough token.
 * This technique provides a secure way to allow users to modify specific information on a previous
 * entry without exposing an entry ID. Exposing the entry ID can be a security risk as it is highly
 * predictable, potentially allowing bad actors to act on entries that do not belong to them.
 * Note: this is very similar to our [GPEP Edit Entry](https://gravitywiz.com/edit-gravity-forms-entries-on-the-front-end/)
 * snippet. The key difference is the GPEP Edit Entry snippet is intended to update entries using the
 * same form that they were submitted from, while this snippet is intended to provide a more surgical
 * approach, updating only specific values on the original entry based on the submission of a separate form.
 * Instructions
 * 1. Add a Hidden field to Form B that will be used to capture an Easy Passthrough token.
 * 2. Configure an Easy Passthrough feed on Form B to map data from Form A.
 * 3. In the "Map Entry Meta" section, map the "Easy Passthrough Token" from Form A to the
 *    field you've created to capture it on Form B.
 * 4. Install and configure this snippet per the inline instructions.
// Update "123" to the form ID that should trigger an update to the other form's entry.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_123', function( $entry, $form ) {

	// Update "4" to the ID of the field that is populated with the EP token.
	$token_field_id = 4;

	// Update "5" to the ID of the field that should be updated on the other form's entry.
	$target_field_id = 5;

	// Update "Canceled" to the value that should be updated on the other form's entry.
	$update_value = 'Canceled';

	$token        = $entry[ $token_field_id ];
	$source_entry = gp_easy_passthrough()->get_entry_for_token( $token );
	if ( $source_entry ) {
		GFAPI::update_entry_field( $source_entry['id'], $target_field_id, $update_value );

}, 10, 2 );

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