Documentation Category: Hook


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesAppend Post ID to GPNF cookie nameSinceDescription Filter the name of the session cookie GPNF uses for a given form Usage Parameters name string Default …

gprf_replacing_elem (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesReload Form in a Custom ElementSinceDescription Filter which element will be replaced with the original form markup. Usage Parameters replacingElem \jQuery The element to be …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesHide Post And Taxonomy Term as Population OptionsSinceDescription Filter object types GPPA will populate from. Usage Parameters $object_types array Array of GPPA object types indexed …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesRedirect Automatically Logged-In Users to a Custom PageSinceDescription Filter the URL the user is redirected to after being automatically logged in. Usage Parameters redirect_url string …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Do something after the user is automatically logged in. Usage Parameters user_id string ID of the user that was automatically logged in. password string …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Do something before the user is automatically logged in. Usage Parameters user_id string ID of the user that’s about to be logged in. password …

gpcc_copied_value (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExampleCopy Label Instead of ValueSinceDescription Filter the copied value before moving it over. Usage Parameters value string | array Current value being copied. targetElem array …

gpcc_copy_cat_fields (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExampleDictate Source and Target FieldsSinceDescription Modify the data that will be passed to the Copy Cat script on the front-end. Usage Parameters copy_fields array An …

gpcc_field_group (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Add/remove inputs from the field group. Usage Parameters group array A jQuery object with all field inputs that belong to this group. trigger array …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesDisable submission from last page with errors.SinceDescription Enables submission from the last page with errors instead of having to advance through the entire form. Usage …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesChange the “Next Page with Errors” Button LabelModify Frontend LabelsSinceDescription Filter button labels for multi-page navigation plugin. Usage Parameters labels array An array of button …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesConsolidate DiscountsAdd Custom TotalSinceDescription Filter the order summary. Usage Apply to all forms. Apply to a specific form. Parameters order_summary array An array of order …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleModify Order LabelsSinceDescription Filter the labels used in the order summary. Usage Apply to all forms. Apply to a specific form. Parameters labels array $order …

gpecf_discount_total (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExampleManually Set DiscountSinceDescription Modify the calculated discount for a Discount field. This filter must be used with its PHP counterpart to handle filtering the discount …

gpecf_discount_total (PHP)

DescriptionUsageParametersExampleManually Set DiscountSinceDescription Modify the calculated discount for a Discount field. This filter must be used with its JS counterpart to handle filtering the discount …