Category: How To

How to Use Ready Classes in Gravity Forms

Learn how to use Gravity Forms Ready Classes to customize and style your forms. Get an overview of CSS Ready Classes and how to apply them.

Gravity Forms Field Value Extraction Techniques

Master field value extraction in Gravity Forms with practical solutions to enhance data use and improve customer experiences.

How to Group & Repeat Fields in Gravity Forms

Learn how to group and repeat fields in Gravity Forms using a range of methods, including page fields, columns, sections, and nested forms.

How to Collect Signatures with Gravity Forms [Complete Guide]

Discover how to navigate the world of collecting online signatures and integrate signatures into your Gravity Forms with our complete guide.

cover creative how to dynamically populate drop down fields in gravity forms

How to Dynamically Populate Drop Down Fields in Gravity Forms

Learn how to dynamically populate Drop Down fields in Gravity Forms with users, form entries, database tables, and more!

populate database data into gravity forms cover

How to Populate Database Data into Gravity Forms

Learn how to populate database data anywhere in Gravity Forms directly from the WordPress database — and by extension, custom databases, ACF Repeater Fields, WooCommerce, and more.

connect gravity forms with google sheets

Guide: Two-Way Connect Gravity Forms with Google Sheets

Learn how to send Gravity Forms data to Google Sheets and populate data from Google Sheets into Gravity Forms, even within the same form.

gravity forms repeaters: the ultimate guide cover creative

Gravity Forms Repeaters: The Ultimate Guide

Everything you (could possibly) need to now about using Gravity Forms repeater fields. Explore what they are, what your options are, and how to use them to collect repeatable data in Gravity Forms.

gravity forms select dropdown acf

Guide: Populating Gravity Forms Dropdowns with ACF’s Relationship Field

Everything you need to know about dynamically populating Gravity Forms dropdowns using ACF’s Relationship field and creating chained selects.

add a none of the above field in gravity forms

How to Add a “None of the Above” option to your Checkbox Field

Learn how to create a “None of the Above” checkbox. When “None of the Above” is selected, all other options are disabled. When any other option is selected, “None of the Above” is disabled.

how to build a simple job board using gravity forms

How to Build a Simple Job Board with Gravity Forms

Learn how to build a job board using Gravity Forms and more efficiently manage the application process, display and filter job listings, and customize applicant follow-up.

gravity forms raffle or lottery

How to Build a Raffle or Lottery Event using Gravity Forms

Learn how to build the perfect raffle, lottery, or prize-based system using Gravity Forms, with one winning ticket or multiple. Then, take it further with discounts, data exports, and more.

How to Supercharge Your Real Estate Business using Gravity Forms

Learn how to build a mortgage calculator, schedule showings, and create a home appraisal form using Gravity Forms and Gravity Perks.

create an online petition using gravity forms

How to Use Gravity Forms to Create an Online Petition (And Display it Anywhere)

Learn how to use our free Progress Meter plugin to create and display online petitions anywhere on your site, then take it further and follow up with participants via email.

populate simply schedule appointments data in gravity forms

How to populate Simply Schedule Appointments data anywhere in Gravity Forms 

In one of our first collaborative guest posts *ever,* we explore dynamically populating Simply Schedule Appointments data anywhere in Gravity Forms for powerful personalization and automation.