Documentation Category: Hook


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesSinceDescription Filter the supported field types by GP Media Library. Important note! Adding fields with this filter does not guarantee compatibility. GP Media Library expects …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesReset Genereated ID when it reaches a numberSinceDescription Allows you to modify the generated Unique ID using a custom function. Usage Parameters unique string or …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesSinceDescription Filter the word count calculation by GP Word Count. Usage Filter word count for all fields using GP Word Count. Filter word count for …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesSet Custom Preview Template PathSinceDescription Filter the template used to render the Live Preview. Usage Parameters template string The absolute path to the desired template …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesChange Validation Message for a specific fieldDescription Filter the message that shows if a field fails validation due to a GP Limit Submission rule. Note, …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesPrevent GP Limit Submission validation errors from showing on fieldsDescription Filter if fields that fail GP Limit Submissions rules should also show a validation error. …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesAllow all Live Merge Tags for a specific formDescription Filter if all Live Merge Tags should be allowed and parsed. Usage Filter if all Live …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesAdd Live Merge Tag to WhitelistDescription Filter the whitelist of Live Merge Tags for the current form. Usage Filter whitelist for all forms. Filter whitelist …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesPrepend a static choice to dynamically populated choices.Description Modify the choices to be populated into the current field. Usage Apply to all fields on all …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesAdd Line Break Between Live Merge Tag Checkbox ValuesExtract Domain from Email AddressSinceDescription Filter the live merge tag value. Usage Apply to all fields and …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesBase Markup, Customize As Needed.Customize base markup only when custom modifier is present.Display itemized pricing for Product Option fields.SinceDescription Filter the order summary markup. Usage …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter which custom fields GP Media Library will attempt to convert to use image IDs. Usage Apply to all forms. Apply to a specific …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleRemove warning note from the entry submissionSinceDescription Filter whether a note should be added to the entry submission if GF Date Time Calculator detects a …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleSend email to site adminSinceDescription Filter whether an e-mail should be sent to the site admin e-mail if GP Date Time Calculator detects a deviation …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesChange max delta for specific field ID.SinceDescription In some cases, the calculation result on the frontend (JavaScript) won’t exactly match the calculation result from the …