Gravity Wiz Weekly #146

More love for Page Transitions, faster inventory is better inventory, and how Verifyi9 uses automation to scale business growth.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

As you know, wizards love providing guidance and supporting others on their epic quests. And that’s what Gravity Wiz is all about – helping you do legendary things with Gravity Forms. I’m excited to share that we’ve hired another support wizard to aid you on your Gravity Forms journey! 

We’re also looking for a top developer with a passion for support to help us squash bugs, write snippets, and add new features to the Gravity Perks suite. If you are such a wizard (or know someone who is), we’d love to hear from you

And now, let’s get back to the most wizardly Gravity Forms newsletter in the world. 🧙‍♂️

So Much Page Transitions Love

A few weeks ago, we shared an unreleased perk called Page Transitions. It was collecting dust, waiting for its chance to shine. We asked if this was a perk you’d like to see as part of the official Gravity Perks suite. Your response was an enthusiastic, “YAASSS!” 

gravity forms page transitions

Based on your feedback, we made a myriad of tweaks, fixes, and improvements to get this MVP fully operational. Here are some of the top updates:

  • Page Transitions now correctly shows the correct completion percentage when the option to show the progress bar on the confirmation page is enabled.
  • We added some JavaScript events to support other interactions before and after page transitions (like scrolling to the top for long pages).
  • Nested Form fields now work flawlessly when Soft Validation is enabled. 

We’re currently planning the next steps for this perk and are excited to make it part of the official suite in a future update. If you have any additional feedback (or want early access), reach out. 🙏

Faster Inventory is Better Inventory

GP Inventory, the easy, flexible inventory management solution for Gravity Forms, just got a lot faster. If your site has tens of thousands of entries, the query that looks up available inventory was riding the struggle bus. Those days are over, mister! 

We made a simple but impactful improvement that reduces the query time by over 90%. If you need to sell tickets, seats, shirts, rooms, or pretty much anything that has a limited quantity, GP Inventory is the easiest and fastest way to get it done.

Verifyi9: Scaling Through Automation with Perks

For some time, Bob Griggs managed Verifyi9 as a one man band. Learn how he enabled automation through Gravity Perks to save time, and how this coincided with explosive pandemic-fuelled growth.

Check out a snippet of our conversation below, and click through for the full story.

“Seven years ago, we discovered Gravity Perks. We started with some of the simpler perks like “Copy Cat” but quickly realized the extra value that perks brought to our processes. Today, perks are an integral part of critical business processes. 

COVID was a boon to our little business; our staff doubled as our volume quadrupled. The processes and automations that we put into place have made it possible to scale with the increase, thanks in large part to perks. Of the dozens of services, plugins, and add-ons that we use, GravityWiz is by far the most aggressive in developing new products and improving existing ones. 

We look forward to each new newsletter for the latest perk or snippet. Several times, we have added a service feature or improvement; not because we thought of it first but because Gravity Wiz made it possible. 

And their support is unmatched. Just today, GravityWiz worked on a staging site when it looked like there might be a conflict between two perks (there wasn’t). In just a few hours, the issue was resolved. GravityWiz has not only helped with problems (usually our fault) but also helped us incorporate perks into our processes; in one case providing custom scripting to extend a perk’s capabilities.”


Gravity Forms Custom Post Types — We acquired this plugin years ago with the intent of sunsetting it when Gravity Forms released their Advanced Post Creation add-on… but we found that it still served a purpose and provided a few key features that the community needed. So here we are, years later, still keeping this sweet piece of machinery chugging!

This week, we fixed an issue where term IDs (rather than term names) were displayed in the Entry List and Entry Detail views for multi-value fields (like Checkboxes and Multi-selects). If you’re still using this plugin, we’d love to hear which features keep you coming back.

Protect Dynamically Populated Forms From Incomplete Submissions — In some cases, you only want users to access a form through a specific URL. This URL often contains dynamic population parameters that affect conditional logic or are captured as part of the form submission for tracking purposes. Submitting this form without those parameters is undesirable at best. This tutorial teaches you how to prevent this from happening.

protect dynamically populated forms

Exclude Forms from Dashboard Widget — Gravity Forms provides a handy dashboard widget that gives you an overview of your forms. The only problem is that it displays all your forms. If you have many forms, there’s a good chance only a handful of those forms need daily attention. This snippet allows you to exclude less important forms so you can keep your priority forms in focus.

exclude forms from dashboard widget

Gravity Wiz Weekly Newsletter

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Gravity Perks

GP Inventory (v1.0-beta-2.8)

  • Fixed a potential performance issue with the Simple inventory type when there are a large number of entries across all forms.

GP Limit Submissions (v1.1.1)

  • Updated “Submission limit reached” notification event to only be available if a Limit Submissions feed is configured.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0-beta-1.26)

  • Improved compatibility with GP Nested Forms when using Soft Validation.

Alright wizards, until next week! 🧙‍♀️

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