New: Gravity Forms Randomizer 2.0

Now with support for field randomization.

randomizer blog release cover

We run a lot of surveys at Gravity Wiz to better understand our own customers, products and support. Let me tell you — it’s a bummer to put in the effort and feel less than confident about the data you just gathered.

Order bias is an under-appreciated culprit here. It happens when someone is more likely to respond inaccurately to a question as a result of the question order. If you’re running an offboarding flow, survey, or poll, this can lead to problems with gathered data.

It’s one reason why we built Gravity Forms Randomizer, which ensures order bias doesn’t impact you through intelligent randomization. 

  • Supports all Choice-based fields — Drop Downs, Multi Select, Radio, Checkboxes, Products, Options, and others.
  • Ensures randomization occurs and avoids repetition.
  • Works with caching.
  • Integrates with Populate Anything for dynamic randomized choices.

This wasn’t a planned release but when a customer randomly asks you to implement a feature you’ve been itching to add — pop! — we let the jack perk out of the box. 😄

Introducing Randomizer 2.0

What’s the scoop on 2.0? We’ve added support for randomizing fields. Both the ability to shuffle field order for any field — and the ability to display a random set of fields from a specified pool of fields. 

Shuffle fields, randomize choices 🔀

Previously, Randomizer focused on form choices. Today we’re introducing field shuffling support so you can shuffle and randomize from question to selection. 

Randomize subsets of fields 🎲

Let’s say you’re building a quiz. You have a pool of 50 questions but you only want to pull 10 questions from that pool each time the quiz loads. This quiz should display one question per page, and you need to ensure the last page of your form, used to collect the participant’s email and name, remains static.

Here’s how 2.0 makes this a breeze:

  • Guarantee specific fields always display.
  • Randomize and/or shuffle specific fields.
  • Display only a subset of fields from your randomization pool.
  • Split questions across multiple pages – pages without questions are automatically hidden. 

The result? Total control over how you randomize, and a magical mix output on your forms. 

Ready to get your shuffle on?

Randomizer 2.0 is available now in your WordPress dashboard and ready to power your next quiz, questionnaire, offboarding flow, or poll. 

We can’t wait to see what you build (and you know we love to see your use cases!).

Have a question? Hit us in the comments.

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